Jun 12, 2011

Sundae and Hetalia

Hello, this is Carmen as always! So, after a long time without submitting any fully coloured drawings, for the first time in months I've drawn something "for me" (I mean, not realated to the videogame we have in process, or to the fanzine I colaborate with etc.)

And this is what I bring you out of my lust for cute, shiny, tasty stuff: a Sundae and two of the Northamerican twins from Hetalia, ha ha. So girly, it's really not my style but hey, it's nice to try new stuff from time to time! Hope you like!

Click for Full size & High Quality

And now, animated .gif of the process! When I actually remember to get pictures of the process, I like to share for various reasons... one being I can show I did the pic myself, another showing some of the steps I follow to colour. I hope you find it interetsting! (like always, click to enlarge!)

It's animated! Click on it if you can't see the animation

OMAKE! Extra Alfred for the fangirls who enjoy making icons, wallpapers and the likes


And that's all, I made this entry just to show my latest drawing XD I know I don't usually draw "chibis" but, as I said, it's good to try different stuff from time to time! 

See you!